An Intersectional Narrative of Two Epidemics
An Intersectional Narrative of Two Epidemics by Tee Wicks
An Intersectional Narrative of Two Epidemics by Tee Wicks
COVID-19 Conversations with Dr. Kim TallBear and Dr. Jessica Kolopenuk by Isa Ansari
Reconciling the Irreconcilable Disparities in the Healthcare Industry by Maryam Nazir
Exposure Notifications, Digital Contact Tracing, and the Burden of Responsibility by Kathia Damian
The Global Medical Supply Chain, Neoliberalism, and COVID-19 by Tee Wicks
Privacy During a Pandemic: Digital Contact Tracing and Technosolutionism by Kathia Damian
Re-Worlding in the time of COVID with Mesiah and Little Wind by Isa Ansari
Bioethics and Equity-Based Frameworks Amidst a Pandemic by Maryam Nazir
Pharmaceuticals, a Vaccine for COVID-19, and Questions of Equitable Access by Tee Wicks